Thanks to a great referral from networking friend Coralee (she sells commercial real estate), I had the opportunity to photograph the San Mateo Inn which is under new management and in the process of improving its branding and marketing, the first step was getting professional commercial photographs of the interior and exterior of the hotel. It is my custom whenever possible to start with the exteriors, because you never know when the weather may change, so if it is good, then shoot the exteriors first! After that I made my way inside to photograph the lobby and guest areas.
Heather contacted me wanting headshots to represent her as the professional she is, a psychologist. She even came to Albuquerque all the way from Arizona having specifically sought me out to be her headshot photographer after doing extensive online research! I am very glad that Heather chose me as her headshot photographer and traveled over 3 hours because it was a very fun shoot as her partner and her dog were in studio too! It was a lot of fun, and also as you can see some fantastic headshots with a lot of impact were made.
I received a phone call from Trish about making product photography shots of her fine soaps here at the JCP Home Studio, but a shoot that would first be preceded by prop shopping at Thrift Town! So we met at my favorite thrift store in Albuquerque, where I helped her choose some props to use in the background of the product shots, and then we had the actual shoot. Trish did a great job picking out excellent props and helping with the staging of the soap, allowing me to concentrate on the technical aspects of getting the lighting right first, and then the composition with the soap being well placed among the props for maximum impact the her customers view the soap photos on her website. It was a really fun shoot starting with shopping and ending with some really great photos of very fine soap! And thank you Trish for leaving two bars behind for me!
Much better than using stock photography, have your own team be in the photos like in these images I made for Noble Law Firm in Albuquerque New Mexico. For their website redesign, these immigration lawyers wanted authentic photos of the actual people that work at the law firm, not soulless stock photos that do not represent at all what a client will experience when visiting their office. These photos were made in the same conference room a client would see, in the same office their actual lawyer would meet them in, plus the actual partners of the law firm in the very lobby you see upon entering. To me this is very powerful for branding, for making a client choose your law firm over one of the many, many others. If I can see in your website what it will be like to be a client with your law firm, that would make me much more likely to choose that law firm over some anonymous stock photography filled law firm website.
Taylor contacted me about actor headshots here in Albuquerque, New Mexico saying she had never had any made before. I told her that more and more actors are choosing me as their headshot photographer and that I could make great headshots for her like I have for many other actors already this year. As you can see from the headshots in this blogpost, for her very first headshot shoot, Taylor absolutely rocked it! We shot on both a white and a black background as I do for most headshot clients these days. I start shooting on white, and finish with black. The latter color usually wows the client with how different the photo ends up looking. Thank you Taylor for choosing me as your headshot photographer!
I find product photography to be one of the biggest technical challenges in the photography work I do in the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The latest product shoot was certainly a challenge, but one I really enjoyed as Tavis brought his newly designed very cold weather sleeping bags designed for kids. Check out Morrison Outdoors for how to buy these sleeping bags.
Noble Law Firm contacted me about making professional headshots for all their lawyers across three cities in New Mexico. One of those cities was Las Cruces over 3 hours to the south of Albuquerque! They wanted consistency in the headshots so I told them yes, I can go to Las Cruces, then Santa Fe, and finally the office right here in Albuquerque. After the long drive south, the headshot shoot at the Las Cruces office was one of the most fun I have ever had, especially for headshots!