
Modern Headshot in Albuquerque for your About Page to land clients

Modern Headshot in Albuquerque for your About Page to land clients

Having a headshot on your website gets more clients

In asking for feedback from a client about why that client chose me, among the multiple reasons given, the one that stood out to me was because I had a picture of myself on my website. This is the exact advice I give to many people I meet at networking events that have, to me, anonymous websites without their photo and sometimes even without their name anywhere on the site. If I meet you in person, I will go to your website later to follow up and seeing a modern, professional headshot helps me remember who I was talking to. If we have never met and I am seeking out a service or product, seeing the face of the actual person behind that business makes a big difference to me personally. I believe this is especially if your job involves working with people. People want to see who they will be working with, hiring, making a purchase from. This is one of many reason why having a modern, professional headshot is not only critical, but also the best value in marketing and branding there is!

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Modern Professional Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Modern Professional Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Consistency in headshots is very important

Featuring another headshot from a big shoot for an engineering company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This entire company now has modern, professional headshots, all uniform in style and appearance showing their 70+ person team is a team. Professional headshots for the entire staff are important for presenting a unified team to potential customers and clients. If only some have modern, professional headshots, and the customer sees they are working with the person without a professional headshot, that leads to thinking am I going to be getting the best possible service? Is this person really a part of this company? Leaving questions for the client/customer is not good right from the get go. Professional headshots for the entire staff leaves no questions, and gives a strong answer, this is a team!

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Professional Business Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with Jeff

Professional Business Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with Jeff

Business Headshots suited to the client in Albuquerque

Jeff visited the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico needing a very specific business headshot with guidelines provided by the new company he is working for. They had a neutral, soft gray background and were a centered orientation style headshot. Here is a photography secret: you do not need to go out and buy a gray background. A white background, depending on how you light it, looks gray! The physical background used for this headshot, is the exact same one used for this one, for example. Know matter what your headshot needs are, I can produce a professional, modern headshot for you here or right at the location fo your choice, be it your office or home.

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Albuquerque Commercial Photographer - The View ABQ Apartments at Sunset

Albuquerque Commercial Photographer - The View ABQ Apartments at Sunset

Using the sunset for commercial photography in ABQ

On a warm weekday evening in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I took my camera and tripod to The View ABQ apartment complex to make sunset HDR real estate photos, as well interior photos. This place certainly lives up to its name and with dramatic clouds and a bright sunset, I was given ample material to photograph and deliver to the client!

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Chamber of Commerce American Flag Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico

Chamber of Commerce American Flag Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico

Patriotic Headshots in New Mexico

The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce has added some new team members since I last made headshots for them in September of last year. So I took my mobile studio headshot photography setup back to the Chamber, but this time shooting outside in a breezeway. The American Flag and the New Mexico State Flag were still used as the background, and I still used my signature setup of a 26” softbox setup as a beauty dish with a silver reflector for the lighting. One addition this time was putting a light on the flags to provide separation of the background from the subject, as the end of the breezeway was in dark shade.

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Assistant Attorney General New Mexico Headshots with Cholla

Assistant Attorney General New Mexico Headshots with Cholla

Assistant Attorney General visits JCP Home Studio v2.0

For the second year in a row it was my pleasure to donate a headshot photo session to the Paws and Stripes charity. This year’s winner was no less than Assistant Attorney General Cholla Khoury. She was also the very first client in the all new JCP Home Studio v2.0! This was no ordinary headshot shoot for sure! AAG Khoury wanted a serious look for her headshots. To add variety to a similar headshots I photographed her on both a white and a black background which allowed for two quite different looking headshots, despite going for a similar look in pose. This was a great inaugural photo shoot in my new studio space!

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2019 Best Commercial Photographer in Albuquerque New Mexico Jason Collin Photography

2019 Best Commercial Photographer in Albuquerque New Mexico Jason Collin Photography

Top 3 Commercial Photographer in Albuquerque for 2019

For the second year in a row, the website Three Best Rated has handpicked me as one of the top three commercial photographers in Albuquerque, New Mexico!! Every shoot I do I try to top my previous work, be it for headshots, food photography, real estate photos, or commercial portraits. Thank you to all my clients who chose and hired me to make photographs that allowed me to achieve this rating!

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