Michael runs a start up, and thus wanted headshots representative of someone in a start up!
Headshots for my networking friend
I met Adam a while back at an event for the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce. We stayed in touch via email, and continued to run into each other at other Chamber events and at 1 Million Cups ABQ too. It was finally a good time for him to visit the JCP Home Studio and bring his two start up partners Ron and Michael. They wanted some uniformity to the headshots in terms of feel, look, and smile, while of course still making each person show their own personality. I think we were successful in getting three headshots that look alike in general, but have individuality to them as well!
How I made these headshots
Nikon D750 with Tamron 90mm f/2.8 SP Macro lens
26" Cheetahstand Quick SoupBowl softbox in beauty dish mode powered by a Godox AD600 with a silver reflector