
Professional Executive Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Professional Executive Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Top Rate Executives Need Top Rate Headshots

You run a top rate business in Albuquerque, so you should have a top rate headshot to show just how professional you are. That is my goal with every headshot photo session with executives and professionals, to make them look as good as their services and products are. Does your headshot look as good as this one? Or as good as these? If not, then you are competing against others who already have professional headshots made by me. What if this person is in the same business as you? Who is going to make a better impression to customers and clients? Contact me today to make sure you stand out from you competition with the best headshot available in Albuquerque.

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Smiling Aspirational Professional Headshot in Albuquerque with Julie

Smiling Aspirational Professional Headshot in Albuquerque with Julie

Smile like Kimmy Schmidt!

It was a great pleasure to have as my last headshot shoot in the old JCP Home Studio, Julie, a returning client. There is nothing better than working with someone you know, and nothing more flattering than someone choosing my photographer services for a second (third, fourth, 20th) time. After we made some more traditional business headshots, Julie was open to getting more creative for some portraits. On her own she was looking up and smiling, which I thought was fantastic as the result is a Kimmy Schmidt looking asperatioanl portrait. It was my favorite one of the photo session! Thank you Julie for choosing me as your photographer again and I look forward to seeing you in the new and improved JCP Home Studio in the future!

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Colorful Professional Creative Actor Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with James

Colorful Professional Creative Actor Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with James

Colorful professional actor headshots in ABQ

More and more actors are visiting the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico for modern and creative professional headshots. This time, in editing, I added a bit of color to this pair of headshots I made for James, which were originally shot on a white background. For the first photo, I sampled the background color from his hair, and below the blue from his shirt. Thank you James for choosing me as your headshot photographer as many other actors have to!

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Actor Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico Jake returns!

Actor Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico Jake returns!

Actor Headshots take 2

As a professional photographer it is the highest compliment when a client returns, and especially so when it is less than two months! Jake returned to the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a couple more actor headshots. His first shoot produced most shots with a semi-profile view of his face while wearing a black leather jacket. This time he wanted more straight on shots and no jacket. He also changed up his hairstyle. I think we may have outdone ourselves with this second shoot! Thanks Jake and hope these get your some awesome acting roles!

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Black and White Professional Business Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico

Black and White Professional Business Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico

Black & White to match their website

Black background headshots have gotten more and more popular with my clients here in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the past year, as each new client sees the work I did with past clients and ask for a black background headshot too. That is fine with me as black background headshots offer a bold and modern look. Jessica contacted me about making headshots for her management services company that would match the black and white look of the company’s website. I suggested going with a black background to standout against the white background of the website itself. The results you can see in context for yourself below.

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Comedic Actor Headshot in Albuquerque New Mexico with Connor

Comedic Actor Headshot in Albuquerque New Mexico with Connor

Breaking the rules for this comedic actor headshot in ABQ

I have had an increasing number of actors visit the JCP Home Studio lately to get great headshots to help them with their show business careers. It is always great to have an actor in front of the lens as I can just tell them to turn it on, and then all I have to do is make sure the lighting is right. For this shot though, I did suggest breaking the rules sort of, by having Connor turn back against his body, but then have his eyes look back toward center. When I made the shot I thought it did not work, but once we looked at it on the big 27” 4K monitor at the studio we both liked it right away. Thanks Connor for letting me suggest some unusual poses that turned out to be our favorite in the end!

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Creative Modern Albuquerque Headshots for engineers

Creative Modern Albuquerque Headshots for engineers

Stand Out in ABQ with a Modern Headshot

One of my favorite things to do as a professional photographer in Albuquerque, New Mexico is make a great headshot for someone so they look their absolute best where people see them first the most, which is their website and social media pages. This one simple thing can really transform how potential customers and clients perceive your brand, your personality, and your professionalism. I know when I seek out services, I click first on people with headshots that stand out. Make sure you stand out when clients and customers look for your services in Albuquerque. Use the buttons below to see how good you could look, and to make your headshot session appointment!

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