
Professional Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico for Dentist and Actor

Professional Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico for Dentist and Actor

Dentist Headshots in Albuquerque for an actor or vice versa

Elizabeth is a dentist here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but she visited the JCP Home Studio not just for headshots to make her look like a friendly dentist, but also for her acting career as well! We started out with getting the friendly dentist headshots, then moved on to getting a serious headshot for a dentist role. It was impressive watching Elizabeth change her expressions between shots! Then we moved on to headshots just for acting. Dental jacket off, hair down, but we progressed in a similar way getting some smiling and some serious actor headshots. If you need dentist in your next project, no need to hire a method actor, contact Elizabeth!

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Smiling Aspirational Professional Headshot in Albuquerque with Julie

Smiling Aspirational Professional Headshot in Albuquerque with Julie

Smile like Kimmy Schmidt!

It was a great pleasure to have as my last headshot shoot in the old JCP Home Studio, Julie, a returning client. There is nothing better than working with someone you know, and nothing more flattering than someone choosing my photographer services for a second (third, fourth, 20th) time. After we made some more traditional business headshots, Julie was open to getting more creative for some portraits. On her own she was looking up and smiling, which I thought was fantastic as the result is a Kimmy Schmidt looking asperatioanl portrait. It was my favorite one of the photo session! Thank you Julie for choosing me as your photographer again and I look forward to seeing you in the new and improved JCP Home Studio in the future!

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Colorful Professional Creative Actor Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with James

Colorful Professional Creative Actor Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with James

Colorful professional actor headshots in ABQ

More and more actors are visiting the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico for modern and creative professional headshots. This time, in editing, I added a bit of color to this pair of headshots I made for James, which were originally shot on a white background. For the first photo, I sampled the background color from his hair, and below the blue from his shirt. Thank you James for choosing me as your headshot photographer as many other actors have to!

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Creative Modern Albuquerque Headshots for engineers

Creative Modern Albuquerque Headshots for engineers

Stand Out in ABQ with a Modern Headshot

One of my favorite things to do as a professional photographer in Albuquerque, New Mexico is make a great headshot for someone so they look their absolute best where people see them first the most, which is their website and social media pages. This one simple thing can really transform how potential customers and clients perceive your brand, your personality, and your professionalism. I know when I seek out services, I click first on people with headshots that stand out. Make sure you stand out when clients and customers look for your services in Albuquerque. Use the buttons below to see how good you could look, and to make your headshot session appointment!

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Professional Modern Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Professional Modern Headshot Photography in Albuquerque New Mexico

Can your headshot compete with this?

Great smile featured in this modern business headshot I made on location at an engineering company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This headshot features my signature lighting style that works flawlessly with glasses too! I invite you to look at what you are using as your headshot to represent yourself as a professional with what is most likely the first point of contact with your clients or customers, your website. If not your website, then your social media profiles. How would your headshot compare to this for looking modern and professional? Use the buttons below to get an outstanding headshot like this one today!

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Vietnam Hill Tribe Children Photo Story

Laughing at my numbers jokes on a lunch break in Vietnam 2002 - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraWhen you travel with your camera, fun things happen.  The photographs you make with your camera help you remember that fun years down the line.  In July of 2002 I spent a few weeks traveling in the northen areas of Vietnam and met a lot of people and especially kids.  My style of traveling is very slow paced, spending days just hanging out in random places.  I am a shy person by nature, but whenever I have travled in SE Asia, if I just sit somewhere, inevitably people will come up to me and start talking.

In the above photo I was on a small guided tour doing homestays with hill tribe peoples in the Sapa Valley (perhaps the most pure place I have ever been).  We did not stay with this family, only having lunch there.  It was a restaurant really and rather busy.  My backpack developed a rip in it and I asked this woman if she could sew it.  While she did that I had my lunch with her and all those kids.  While in Vietnam, I learned how to say numbers in Vietnamese, which allowed me to make a series of jokes about buying some of their farm animals, etc.  It was a fun time with them and thanks to my trusty Olympus 2040Z, one of the first digital cameras, only capable of a 2MP image max (1600x1200), I have this photo to help me remember that time.  

"Hello, candy?" was my greeting from these girls - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraI was hiking down into the Sapa Valley on my own, as the pace of the guide with the three much older members of the group were taking involved way too many breaks.  I was feeling the thrill of exploring an enchanted place and could not stop.  Along the way I met these two girls who greeted me with, "Hello, candy?"  This made me laugh.  I told them sorry I did not have any candy with me.  I think we shared some raisins together though.

Jason with two Black Hmong children in Sapa, Vietnam - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraTo make this group shot with yours truly in it I set the camera on my bag with the self timer on.  These kids belonged to the Black Hmong hill tribe and were tending to a water buffalo, who did not want to be petted, unfortunately.  I still regularly wear the shirt and pants you see me in above, although in my increasing width, the shirt is seemingly shrinking.  The G-Shock watch I am wearing, along with the Olympus camera that made this photo, were both, sadly, stolen when in Miami in 2003.  

Plastic bottles were in high demand in northern Vietnam - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraAnother very surprising thing was the high interest in collecting plastic water bottles (empty).  Whenever our transport vehicle would stop, kids would ask for any empty water bottles we had.  You could also buy food and full water bottles from right inside the vehicle.  As soon as you stop, boom, arms are through the windows and snacks are literally right under your nose for purchase!  Very convenient!

She spoke near fluent English, self taught in Sapa, Vietnam - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraThis photo story is revealing a significant secret of mine, which is my feelings about the Sapa Valley in northern Vietnam.  It is an absolutely incredible place.  It is just so pure.  The Earth seems younger there.

I spent about two hours just chatting with the girl above while I waited for my train to leave Sapa.  Her English was amazingly good.  She said she just learned by talking to tourists.  I was impressed as none of my students back in Korea could speak English like her!  She was talkative and I enjoyed listening to her tell me how she makes the crafts she does and just about her life in Sapa in general.  I cannot remember what I bought from her.  Perhaps a bracelet?  I am very glad to have this photograph to remember her by.

Heading to the post office on a rope bridge in Vietnam - Olympus 2040Z 2 MP digital cameraThese boys were on their way to the post office proud to have the responsibility of delivering a postcard.  I had to keep retaking this photo as more boys wanted to get in the shot.  They went on to the post office and I continued on into the Sapa Valley. 

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  • Can you see it?

    Nikon D300 Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D @ f/2 ISO 200 1/320th

    This is a little experiment.  You may be wondering why in the world is there a photograph of the back of a restaurant featuring a blue box and a mop handle on this site?  Well, as I was walking with a DSLR photography student this scene immediately caught my eye.  Before reading below, can you see what I found interesting about this subject matter and why I photographed it?  Let me know in the comments if you saw it at first too.

    What I saw was a smiling face.  It reminded me of perhaps the only commercial I ever liked in my life, an American Express ad that featured all kinds of inanimate objects that looked like frowning and smiling faces.  To me it was a kind of simple genius.  I also think it would make for a great photography project, if not finding smiles, then something similar to what they did in the ad.

    I find it amazing how simply appearing to have a face can anthropomorphize an object.  When I look at that blue box it makes me feel a bit warm inside to see its curvy smile.  Is the mop handle a long nose?

    Post links to your photographs of random inanimate object smiles (or frowns) below in the comments.  Here is the commercial: