Back out on another UberEats food photography shoot, this time at Rude Boy Cookies near UNM in central Albuquerque, New Mexico. As the name might imply, this was a much sweeter than usual food photography shoot in ABQ! They make cookies, of course, but also ice cream, shakes, gold bars, and even a flavor shot with milk! If photographing this food was not fun enough, the owner said I could take whatever I wanted home! I took it all save for the glass of milk. Thank you Rude Boy Cookies and thanks also to Jessica for assisting on this shoot.
Noah Starer is a regular art photography client based in Santa Fe. He is a very original ceramic artist. This time he brought to the JCP Home Studio these eye catching wall ceramic art pieces. I think they look like the ocean and the Earth with their respective swirling color blends. Imagine one of these pieces across from your desk giving your eyes and mind a creative break seeing something different in the piece every time it is looked at.
This was a most unusual photo shoot. I was contacted to photograph tableware for a contest. I am always up for a different kind of photo shoot so I took my camera bag to a restaurant where I worked with one of the biggest teams to make these photos happen. Before this I was always hired to photograph the actual food. This time, the forks, knives, and plates! That’s why in these photos you will see the food mostly out of focus, but a fork in focus. The chef’s creations were the background for these photos. He didn’t seem to mind at all! Being a commercial photographer in Albuquerque, New Mexico allows for a wide variety in photo shoots!
This time I bring you the headshots I made for Giddens Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Check out the head to toe headshots and the commercial portraits I made for these attorneys and their staff. Continuing with the theme I had for the entire shoot, that lawyer headshots and photos do not have to look stern and serious, I tried to get as much personality and some friendliness in the lawyers in particular to come out in their headshots. It was a little easier with the law firm staff to smile not surprisingly!
Santa Fe ceramic artist Noah Starer usually brings his art to my Home Studio to be photographed, but this time I took the photo studio to his art studio up in Santa Fe. Why? Because he has created a new serious of modular ceramic art that just has way too many individual pieces to move all the way to Albuquerque and also he would have to stay on site to setup each group, whereas normally they are just single pieces that I can place and photograph myself.
Having the right lighting setup is always important for headshots, and especially so for what I call head to toe headshots, or full body headshots. I previously shared commercial portraits I made of the attorneys and staff of Giddens Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico. These are the head to toe headshots made right in a small conference room in their office! The conference table had to be moved to feet the 9’ wide seamless white paper background, but other than that a full studio setup right in a lawyer’s office!
I was very happy to hear that the website Three Best Rated had handpicked me as one of the top three commercial photographers in Albuquerque, New Mexico!! I work very hard to make the best headshots, food photography, real estate photos, and commercial portraits for all my clients in Albuquerque. Each commercial photography shoot, I try and top the work I did in my previous shoot. It is very satisfying to be recognized as one of the best in my field in the city. Thank you to all my clients who chose and hired me to make photographs that allowed me to achieve this award!