dog friendly

Ribbon Cutting Event Photography for Peace of Mind Dog Rescue in Pacific Grove

Ribbon Cutting Event Photography for Peace of Mind Dog Rescue in Pacific Grove

Ribbon Cutting Event for senior dog rescue benefit shop in Pacific Grove

Peace of Mind Dog Rescue is an organization I noticed right away after moving to Pacific Grove, California. I have since donated many things to them. In addition to their animal rescue for senior dogs, they opened up a benefit shop recently in downtown. I was happy to see the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce was holding a ribbon cutting event for their shop, that was a fun event for human and canine alike!

They always have many senior dogs that are looking for new homes. Check them out for adoption!

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Professional Event Photography for Rio Grande Food Project Hike to End Hunger 2022

Professional Event Photography for Rio Grande Food Project Hike to End Hunger 2022

Event Photography for Non-Profit in Albuquerque New Mexico

I have done a shoot for Rio Grande Food Project in the past, and participated in each of the past few years in the Hike to End Hunger charity event, and then this year was a combo of the two where I was glad this time to be able to volunteer my services to photograph the 2022 event. The Hike to End Hunger is a fundraising event for the non-profit organization and a chance to feel like part of the community and make a difference in improving it, plus you get to spend a morning walking over the Rio Grande River, and then along Bosque trails. As you can see, many people brought their dogs too! Thank you to Kathi and the team for another event that helps the community and gets everyone outside.

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Silver Lake Recreation Area Brooksville Florida

Kiki and I in front of Silver Lake in Brooksville Florida after a 90 minute trek through scenic green woods - self-portraitVenturing far inland, Kiki and I went to Silver Lake Recreation Area in Brooksville, Florida seeking new trails and a deeper forest experience.  There were positives and negatives about this area of the Withlacoochee State Forest, but enough of the former so that I can recommend trekking there along the Low Water and High Water trails.

Silver Lake Brooksville Florida panorama - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/11 ISO 200 1/60th 3-shot panoramaUpon arriving at the area and paying the $2 entrance fee, the road funnels you right to Silver Lake.  There were almost no people around.  Dogs are allowed in all the day use areas, leashed of course, and even far out on the trail I kept Kiki leashed as well as sometimes an actual road would appear right in the middle of the forest with cars flying by.  

Amazing cypress tree grown into a natural arch in Withlacoochee State Forest on the Low Water Trail near Silver Lake - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/5.6 ISO 400 1/60thThe best find during our 90-minute 3.55 mile trek was this cypress tree.  It was enormous and its based formed a natural arch.  We stopped at the foot of this towering tree for water and a snack.

The view from the other side of the cypress tree looks other worldly - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/5.6 ISO 400 1/80thThe view from the back of the cypress tree offers an otherwordly look into the forest itself.  I did not dare pass through the arch for fear of coming out into another dimension.  Kiki showed no desire to pass through it either.

Cypress knees floating on greens in Withlacoochee State Forest Brooksville Florida - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/5.6 ISO 400 1/60thSoft green grass grew throughout the forest floor providing an ethereal feel.  The beginning of the High Water trail is too close to I-75 with far too much noise pollution to help one lose thoughts of the human created world, however, once out on the Low Water trail, one could feel the age of the Withlacoochee Forest

Kiki is a very good outdoors-dog at home on the trails and in the forests - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/5.6 ISO 400 1/60thFinding out about these trails and how to get to them took some doing.  There is no good website to point you too (this one was a starting point at least), just basically search for Silver Lake Road in Brooksville Florida and Google Maps points you almost exactly at the park entrance.  From I-75 take exit #301, then make for Silver Lake Road.  

Sunny Florida at f/11 project #05 - Algiers Beach Sanibel Island

Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 @ f/11 ISO 200 5-bracket HDR (handheld, breaking rules yet again)

Sanibel Island has a number of dog friendly beaches, the above Algiers Beach being one of them.  So after nearly two hours of running and swimming and skimboarding with Kiki, I just plopped down on this soft grass growing at the far edge of the beach with my Nikon D300 and relaxed a bit, and of course also made this HDR photograph to continue my summer long Sunny Florida f/11 project.  Shooting while lying on my stomach on the ground is one of my favorites ways to shoot, and one of my favorite perspectives to shoot from.  First, it is really comfortable because you are lying down.  Second, you can hold your camera really steadily with both elbows planted on the ground.  Third, not many people are willing to get down and dirty like this so you can come away with a unique view of an often photographed place/scene/subject.  

I left some of the highlights blown out on purpose as I thought it added a bit of style to the shot.  Coincidentally, Scott Bourne wrote a blog post yesterday about it being ok to blow out highlights if it is something you wanted to do in your shot.  I will admit it made me feel better about doing so, as traditionally you can get criticized for blowing out highlights.  

I am still not finding the shot I had long envisioned for this series.  I will not describe that vision here, as I will continue to look for it myself, holding out hope that such a scene even exists in Florida.  My Florida imagination may have become too infused with Thai beach memories.


  • Algiers Lane, Sanibel, Florida 
  • 239-472-6477
  • dog friendly means dogs must remain on a leash