Hal with his Canon T1i & Quantaray 18-128mm lens with downtown St. Petersburg in the background
Just minutes after I met Hal in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in downtown St. Petersburg for our first DSLR photography lesson, it started raining. We were still on the steps of the museum going over some introductory things about his Canon T1i so we took refuge under the long open corridor that runs along the front face of the museum. I knew being stuck in this spot was not so bad because in February a photography group I was with made good use of it (2nd photo).
While the rain continued to fall Hal and I continued to go through the basic settings that need to be adjusted for any kind of shot, i.e. aperture, ISO, white balance and focus mode. Fortunately, the rain did let up and we were free to roam to Vinoy Park to practice landscape shots. The combination of the onset of the golden hour and the post-storm skies made for an above average backdrop to both The Pier and the downtown skyscrapers.
Despite the rain we were still able to cover all the topics I normally would on a first lesson, and then some.