Holly's notes from fourth of four lessons beside her Canon XT - photo by iPhone 4Holly's crash course in DSLR Photography finished at Tyrone Mall! I use that location for when students want to practice shooting in an indoor shooting environment. Plus it's air conditioned so we can have mid-afternoon lessons. This fourth of four lessons for Holly was focused on first using her pop-up flash to get a well exposed indoor portrait given the fluorescent lighting in Sears electronics department. Unfortunately for Sears, they do not get many customers looking to buy TVs. Perhaps their non-existent customer service is one reason why as we were in there for twenty minutes and no one even made eye contact with us!
To wrap up everything we practiced during our four photography lessons together, Holly and I sat down for a good note taking session. Even though I do provide students with a PDF study guide (available exclusively to paying clients), there is no substitute for writing down in your own words (and handwriting) specific settings and photography scenarios. As you can see from Holly's notes, I also suggested what gear she should buy next (an external flash, a tripod, a telephoto lens).
Holly will be taking her Canon XT and new photography skills to Washington in a couple of weeks and I hope she is able to return with great photographs! I look forward to seeing them.
--Professional Model DSLR Photography Lessons now available!