It had been some time since I was in the high desert of northwest rural Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Thankfully I was presented with a fantastic sunset. In fact, I went to three different rural land real estate properties this time, so you can see multiple sunset views. I also like to get detail photos for clients rather than just all wide open landscape photos. Below you can see cactus and flora from the high desert, as well just how far away Albuquerque is from this seemingly nearby desert If you want to own this land, contact Hemingway Land Company.
The surrealblack & whiteHDRlandscape photograph you see above is not at all what the client that sent me out to that location needs to sell the land. However, the twisted tree, the ominous clouds, and the fact the tree wa growing out of solid rock really caught my eye. So I paused for a moment to make a photograph for myself that interested me. I share it with you now to give you a moment of interest to look at it and find something in it that makes you feel. Tell me about it in the comments below.
In bookend visits to Monument Valley in Utah, I made a lot of photos being there for sunset one evening, then sunrise the next morning. I had time during these two forays into this stunning environment to look for other shots besides sweeping landscape photos, like this one with a twisted tree. There was so much movement and texture in this gnarled tree that I wanted to find a way to photograph it that really made it come through the frame. I set my camera on my tripod at its lowest leg extension for a below standing eye level perspective. This eerie tree composed this way as to obscure the beauty of the mesas creating a contrast in visuals.
I am often out in remote Rio Rancho on weekday evenings in the midst of a 55+ property rural land real estate photography assignment for Hemingway Land Company. On a recent shoot clouds were heavy on the horizon and I was counting on the sun dropping below them, just above the horizon, and allowing me to get some of my signature HDRsunset photos. The sun did in fact reveal itself, but with a fiery wrath!
I am in the midst of a major rural land real estate photo series of shoots for potentially over 45 properties in northwest Rio Rancho, New Mexico mostly off of Southern Blvd. Hemingway Land is keeping me busy visiting this area each weekday evening the weather is good. As you can see from the photos, there have been some spectacular skies to feature in the showcase sunset HDR photo I make for each property I shoot. These shots are punctuated by using the new Aurora HDR 2019 for processing them, an improvement on the already very good 2018 version I had been using. I recommend upgrading if you have not yet already!
I get to travel all over the state of New Mexico for my rural land photography work, which means I also get to stop and see places I would very likely not have seen otherwise, like El Morro National Monument. It is far from any highway, in a remote area of New Mexico and you can blink and miss it for sure. This is the second oldest national monument in the country and definitely worth the effort to visit this historical and natural wonder. Plus, it is very dog friendly!
The rural land photography and drone video work I do takes me all over the state of New Mexico, and I mean all over! Just during the late summer time of August and only half of September, I have been to Angel Fire twice, Taos, Farmington, Belen twice and Socorro. This is a selection of sunset photos I made at those places. If you would like any of these photos as fine art prints to put in your home or office, use the buttons below. Prints are less than you might think. Ask me about getting a 30”x40” canvas in particular!