Fine Art

New Mexico Rural Land Photography Rio Rancho Sandy Sunset

New Mexico Rural Land Photography Rio Rancho Sandy Sunset

Yet another week started out with time in the high desert of central New Mexico out on a rural land photography assignment for Hemingway Land Company in remote, northwest Rio Rancho.  This area off of Northern Blvd was a little more to the southeast than I had been to before.  It was sandier with less brush covering everything.  It's rare to see sandy desert in this area of New Mexico.  It caught my eye to make a photograph featuring the sand itself, as seen above.

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New Mexico Rural Land Photography Torrance County Forested Sunset

New Mexico Rural Land Photography Torrance County Forested Sunset

Back in Torrance County New Mexico on a rural land photography shoot for Hemingway Land Company, at a property much more covered in trees than I typically encounter.  The last time I had hardly any open space to make photos with a view from.  This time there was a good swatch of open land that allowed me to make landscape and sunset shots to help the client sell this rural land property fast!  How fast?  Well, read the Google review about how much my photographs and drone video help sell his New Mexico rural land properties.

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Malibu Coast Drone Photo Pacific Ocean in California

Malibu Coast Drone Photo Pacific Ocean in California

My brief time at Leo Carrillo State Park in Malibu, California flying my DJI Mavic Pro drone was incredibly fruitful.  If I lived in Malibu I could produce nearly infinite drone photos of that stunning stretch of California coastline.  Of particular interest to me was that small cove of rocks, which I have remarked before looks like a secret cache of dinosaur eggs!  

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Sunset Views of Torrance County New Mexico True

Sunset Views of Torrance County New Mexico True

For the past three weeks, I spent most evenings at sunset time out in Torrance County New Mexico.  It is approximately 45 miles east of Albuquerque, near the town of Moriarty.  I would arrive each evening an hour before sunset to make photographs of rural land properties for Hemingway Land Company.  These are some of the sunsets I saw each evening out there.  

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White Sands New Mexico Day and Sunset

White Sands New Mexico Day and Sunset

Perhaps the most popular place in all of New Mexico for photographers, there would be no argument from me that this is the most spectacular scene in the state, and for me personally, what of the most amazing places I have been in the world.  It is a world of 50% blue and 50% white.  Those are the only colors needed.

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Malibu Coast Drone Photo Leo Carrillo Park in California

Malibu Coast Drone Photo Leo Carrillo Park in California

Malibu has long been a mythical place to me.  It is mentioned in songs, it evokes memories of old surfer movies from the 1950s, it is where I know many celebrities and sports stars currently live, and I know from studying its geography it is close to LA, but still a good drive, thus offering relative access, but far enough away to be its own world.  To get to it one is treated to a stunning drive on the PCH with the Santa Monica Mountains to one side and the vastness of the Pacific Ocean on the other.  

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Echo Amphitheater in Abiquiu New Mexico True

Echo Amphitheater in Abiquiu New Mexico True

My work photographing rural land properties in New Mexico has taken me to Rio Arriba County many times.  I have passed by Echo Amphitheater at least twice before, but did not have time to stop.  Third time being the charm, on the return from a property shoot on the way to another, right there was Echo Amphitheater with time on the schedule to explore this great natural wonder, and if I may say so, produce some stunning images of a place that is certainly New Mexico True.  

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