A sloping hillside forest in Angel Fire, New Mexico available as fine art print for home or office and commercial license usage
Green is in the desert state
For those who have explored Colfax County, Rio Arriba County, or San Juan County, they know New Mexico is not just a dusty, desert state, but one, especially in its northern areas, that is very green. I went to a new area of the state recently, to a town called Angel Fire, that is famous for being a ski resort. This being the height of summer, there was no snow or white, but lots and lots of green. I thought I was in Switzerland or perhaps on the set of The Sound of Music with all the rolling hillsides covered in tall green grasses and the larger mountains looming in the distance.
Made with a Nikon D750 with Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 SP lens
Edited in Aurora HDR 2018 from 5-bracketed exposures
If you are looking to escape the heat of New Mexico without leaving the state, make a reservation for Angel Fire, or Eagle Nest, and you will be treated to green and cooler temps.