Attorney Headshot Photography in Downtown Albuquerque with Joshua

Modern professional attorney headshot in downtown Albuquerque New Mexico

Unique attorney headshot photography in downtown Albuquerque

Back on location in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico for these attorney headshots with Joshua of Turner Law. These headshots were made just 5 days after I made some for a local meteorologist at some of the exact same locations. This shows jus how unique on location headshots are as the background is constantly changing day-to-day. If you want a truly standout headshot that it is impossible for anyone else to have, downtown Albuquerque offers countless opportunities with only having to walk one block! This kind of unique headshot product is what is offered here at Jason Collin Photography for attorney clients, and any client!

Thank you Jessica and Bradd for assisting on this shoot too!

Lawyer headshots made right in downtown Albuquerque

Attorney headshot photography in downtown ABQ

Yours truly with the 42” soft box used to make these headshots in ABQ