Amazing candid from the Coffee + Creatives Unconference 2019 in Albuquerque New Mexico
Some of the best candid event photos I have ever made!
Coffee + Creatives is a very active group in the Albuquerque community, which I, myself, participate in as well in the very, very active Facebook group, and also during the bi-weekly in person meetups. So I was very flattered to be asked to photograph their 2019 Unconference. The first event I photographed was a panel discussion on how to build a community that values creative work. This was a very passionate moderate discussion punctuated by a strong audience Q&A at the end. It was also a treasure trove of candid photo opportunities, which are my absolute favorites to make when photographing events. This was a fantastic event to photograph and be a part of! Be sure and come to the next C+C meetup! Contact me for when and where, or better yet, join the Facebook group!