Abandoned train car in Tampa, Florida - Nikon D300 with Nikkor AF ED 80-200mm f/2.8D @ f/2.8 ISO 200 1/2500thI have been going through my photography archives from the past three years looking for images to update my various portfolios with. While looking for specific types of photos, I also found random photos that I had never edited, never given any attention to before, that for some reason now catch my eye (see above train photo). This gave me the idea for . . .
Photography Tip -- go through your photo archives to find hidden gems & to see how your photography tastes have changed |
Not only may you find that what you think is an interesting photograph has changed, but if you have greatly improved your digital photo editing skills like I have over the past few years, you may find that you can save a photo that previously was left for the scrapheap.
Go through your archives this week and see if you find a forgotten photo that you now really like or even love. Post a link to it in the comments below!