Professional Product Photography for outdoor gear in ABQ
I am always excited to see what new products Tavis sends me from his outdoor gear company, Morrison Outdoors (another recent shoot). He started with a unique sleeping bag for kids, and is now branching out into other branded products, like these clever leak proof bottles featured here. The green bottle opens its straw by twisting the cap. The black bottle has a super secure twist to pen for a small sipping opening designed to be for coffee. I really appreciate clients like Tavis that even though they are no longer in Albuquerque or even New Mexico, still choose me as their product photographer. Thank you Tavis! And check out Morrison Outdoors for some cool sleeping bags and other outdoor gear products!
Professional Product Photography ready for Amazon and REO
Get your products professionally photographed right here in Albuquerque, New Mexico with edited images delivered ready to be put right on major online retailers like Amazon and REI. Use the buttons below to contact me today to setup a shoot for your products!
Product Photography ready for REI and Amazon