Farewell, my friend . . . Nikon D300 with Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D lens @ f/2.8 ISO 200 1/5000th natural light; lying on my stomachA horseshoe crab is perhaps the first creature of such size I ever saw dead in the wild. I think as a child though I never really thought of the ones I found on the beach as being dead. I think I probably just thought that's how these creatures exist. I mean, by all outward appearances a horseshoe crab on the beach with its solid eyes still open and unblinking, appears alive.
I came across this horseshoe crab on a hidden beach in Bradenton as it was preparing to continue the cycle of life. I got down on my stomach and laid flat on the sand to see life from its perspective. It was also the best angle to photograph the horseshoe crab from.
Photography Tip -- lie on your stomach for a unique composition and viewpoint
At my current age and in my present mindset I did not view this horseshoe crab as being dead, nor do I other of nature's creatures. I think of them as merely continuing the cycle of life. Afterall, if everything lived for ever, then there would be no meaning to life. It is a very clever system, one that requires some to die so that others may live.