Ronald Angelo Johnson

Albuquerque Conference Keynote Speaker Photography with Ronald Angelo Johnson

Albuquerque Conference Keynote Speaker Photography with Ronald Angelo Johnson

Ronald Angelo Johnson speaks passionately in Albuquerque Alpha Chi 2023

One of the things I like best about photographing national conferences, is getting to hear keynote speakers I otherwise never would. Such was the case with a very passionate keynote address by Ronald Angelo Johnson at the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society event in Albuquerque in March and April 2023. Mr. Johnson was an A+ speaker to photograph. Why? Because he was always looking up and out at the audience in all directions. He is an animated speaker with has hands and expressions. He moved around even out from behind the podium. Plus, even from these silent still photos, you can hear the inspiring story he shared with the audience. It was a privilege to get to hear him speak that morning at the conference.

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