Branding Headshots and Interior Photography for Lawyers in ABQ
It was a fun shoot at Peak Legal Group here in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Sheryl and Harold and their dog who made an appearance in several photos. It’s all part of making good branding photos, including your dog, your own personality, and yourself! It was a wide ranging shoot at their firm making interior photos, as well as better than stock photography of the two lawyers with a “client,” and then also studio quality headshots. You can see in the BTS shot that I can make studio quality headshots even in the tiniest of spaces! Thank you Harold and Sheryl for choosing me as your photographer.
Get personal branding photography for lawyers in ABQ
Why use stock photography on your law website? Feature yourself and your partner attorneys in the actual settings you will be meeting clients in to begin the process of making a potential client feel comfortable and familiar with both you and your office space. Use the buttons below to contact me today to discuss how better than stock photography and personal branding photography can help your law firm stand out and attract more clients.
Best headshots for lawyers in Albuquerque
Making studio quality headshots even in the tiniest of spaces in Albuquerque!
Better than stock photography for lawyers in Albuquerque
Commercial Portraits and Branding Photography for Lawyers in Albuquerque

Professional Law Office Interior Photography in Albuquerque