Navajo Dam Lake Marina at sunset in New Mexico
Always stop to get the sunset at Navajo Dam Lake
I have now been to Navajo Dam more times than any other place in New Mexico for my rural land photography and drone video work, that is an overnight drive away from Albuquerque. In the first 6 months of 2019, I have been there 4 times already! At the end of my most recent trip, due to the land of the property being behind a hill and thus sunset coming earlier to it, I was able to leave the property in time to my surprise with the actual sunset still visible some 10 minutes down the road where you can see a large expanse of Navajo Dam Lake and the marina itself too. A real photographer never passes by a chance to stop and make a photo, so even thought I was tired, and all my photo gear and tripod were well put away, I got my Nikon out and hustled to the road’s edge to make theses New Mexico True photos to share with you.