Wearables Professional Product Photography in Albuquerque with JoAnna's scarves on Etsy

Great professional photos for scarves on Etsy

In part two of my professional product photography shoot for JoAnna (check out part 1 jewelry), I feature the photos I made of her wearables, in this case, scarves that she is already featuring on her Etsy store and Facebook page. Like the jewelry, these scarves were a challenge in their own way to make great product photographs of because maintaining color accuracy was very important. Getting the white background to expose enough that in editing it could be made pure white, while still lighting the scarves well enough to show the details took some fine tuning in camera and with lighting. As you can see in the screenshot of JoAnna’s Etsy store banner below, everything came out perfectly to help show her wearables and jewelry in a modern and creative way that will help her sell her unique items faster.

Behind the scenes shows Artie helps

I was glad to have Jessica help out with this shoot with preparing and staging the scarves. It would have easily doubled the shoot time to have to shoot and prep. As you can see in the BTS shots below, even Artie helped with this shoot, albeit by staying out of the way in his carrying sack!

Wearables Product Photography for Etsy in Albuquerque

It was a team effort to make these photos even with Artie helping!

Wraparound scarves professional product photography in ABQ

Make a professional impression on Etsy