Looking at the interior of a classic car is part time travel, part awe for me. Made with a Nikon D750 and Tamron 90mm f/2.8 SP Macro lens
macro lens at a classic car show
Going to a car show for the first time, you never really know what to expect with regard to how many cars, how cool of cars, and even what kinds of cars. I was pleasantly surprised by a recent small car show I went to in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. A good number of classic cars many of which had very interesting interiors. With my new Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Macro SP lens on my Nikon D750 exclusively while at this car show, I decided to make the theme of my shots the cool classic car interiors, with a few detail shots here and there. Check out the sense of humor of a 1966 Mustang owner with what passes for an "airbag" in his classic car!