Professional Product Photography Albuquerque New Mexico for beanies

Professional Product Photography for Beanies Hats in Albuquerque

Long-time client Tavis, of Morrison Outdoors, keeps putting out new products to go with their signature all in one sleeping bags for kids. The latest Morrison Outdoors merchandise? Beanies and knit hats for kids. Now that Tavis is located in the Pacific Northwest, he has to ship the products to me. I still send him real time feedback during the shoot, which this time resulted in him just wanting lay flat views of the beanies. I really appreciate Tavis still choosing me as his product photographer even though he is no longer living and working in Albuquerque. I look forward to seeing what Morrison Outdoors makes next for me to photograph!

Check out Morrison Outdoors to purchase great outdoor gear!

Professional product photography right here in Albuquerque

To get professional product photography good enough for Amazon, REI, and Etsy, use the buttons below to contact me today to discuss how high quality images of your products will help you stand out from your competition.

Professional Product Photography for beanies in Albuquerque

Visit Morrison Outdoors to buy these kids beanies directly