Model Portfolio Creative Headshot in Cape Coral Florida - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm f/7.1 ISO 200 1/100th - Strobist: SB-800 and SB-600 each in 42" brollyTuesday afternoon I met Lauren to make modelportfolio headshots for her right in her home in Cape CoralFlorida! All these photographs were made on location in her home allowing Lauren to make easy wardrobe changes. All shots were made on a white background and in editing color backgrounds were added digitally, as well as adding a pure white background for maximum impact.
- call 813-240-5357 to book your model portfolio shoot today! -- or email

3/4 Model Portfolio Creative Headshot in Cape Coral Florida - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm f/7.1 ISO 200 1/100th - Strobist: SB-800 and SB-600 each in 42" brolly
Lauren only needed model portfolio shots on a white background, but I added a few bonus color background images to her client gallery as well. My process for deciding a background color is usually to first sample a color from an article of clothing the model is wearing and base the background off of that, which I did with a color from the lower part of her dress in the above photo.

Full Body Head to Toe Model Portfolio Creative Headshot in Cape Coral Florida - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm f/7.1 ISO 200 1/100th - Strobist: SB-800 and SB-600 each in 42" brollyAnother requirement Lauren had for the photo shoot was one head-to-toe full body headshot. Even this type of shot can easily be made inside using my mobile studio setup. Having the pop-up background takes out the issue of having a complex background that is often the case inside a home (not everyone has a pure white wall available!).

Casual 3/4th Model Portfolio Creative Headshot in Cape Coral Florida - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm f/7.1 ISO 200 1/100th - Strobist: SB-800 and SB-600 each in 42" brollyIt was great working with Lauren as we easily found poses she liked for making photographs that will end up in her digital and print portfolio. I look forward to adding to Lauren's portfolio in another shoot soon!

Model Portfolio Shots made right in your own home with my mobile studio setup
This is the two speedlight setup I used for all the shots seen above. The background collapses down to a small disc allowing me to take my studio with me to provide maximum convenience for clients.
- call 813-240-5357 to book your model portfolio shoot today! -- or email