Rainbow as seen from Smacks Bayou Snell Isle St. Petersburg Florida - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/11 ISO 200 7-exposure HDRI rushed home from a networking event to pick up Kiki and get our usual evening dog park time in before an imposing storm on the horizon passed by. Basically, as soon as we got to the dog park a deluge opened up. After even a huge live oak could not provide adequate shelter, we headed back home. Naturally, as soon as we parked the rain stopped and the sun was out.
The storm that birthed this rainbow did wash out dog park time, but at least I got to make this photo - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/11 ISO 200 7-exposure HDRSo back on went Kiki's collar and leash as we headed out for a walk. That is when I saw this rainbow appear vividly over Smack's Bayou. Still we walked on and I let Kiki run around in a soccer field (see lower right corner of the above image for where we were earlier). I just hoped the rainbow would stay visible by the time we got back.
There was actually a double rainbow visible shortly, but not possible to capture by this time - Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm @ f/11 ISO 200 7-exposure HDRIt did. So I mounted my Nikon onto my tripod quickly and was able to make the above photos. I could see a double rainbow with my eye, but getting it to come out in a photograph was not possible due to a number of factors. Still, I was glad that even though our usual plans got washed out, at least I was able to add another rainbow photo to my archives.