Nikon D300 with Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens @ f/11 ISO 200 3-bracket handheld HDR
The sixth entry in my ongoing Sunny Florida f/11 project is an HDR image of the harbor in downtown St. Petersburg in front of The Pier. Despite the harbor's small size dolphins and manatees regularly swim in it, and pelicans dive alone the seawall on a regular basis. There is something I really like about this harbor myself that is ineffable. The small cluster of trees on the left horizon is my favorite spot in the entire city which offers great views of Tampa Bay to the east and the downtown St. Petersburg skyline to the west. Then in the gap between there and the park on the other side pass dolphins (photographed here) and manatee in water that can be fairly clear at times. It is a position of power commanding viewership over the whole area.
The harbor does not provide infallible protection from storms though as these recent photographs of a jilted sailboat illustrate.