Michael locks in on downtown St Petersburg during our first DSLR Photography Lesson
Michael is heading to Boston on Thursday, so I was glad my schedule allowed us to have our first DSLR Photography Lesson together before his trip. Boston is quite a photographic town, though I have not visited it in a decade. Michael bought a refurbished Nikon D3000 with both kit lenses online, a very good way to save some money. I, myself, bought my Nikon D300 used in a trusted camera shop in Tokyo. I would be a little bit careful buying a used camera body. However, I am much less worried about buying used lenses, and in fact the two most expensive out of my four lenses were bought used.
The Pier provides the backdrop for the last stop during our 2-hour DSLR Photography Lesson
Michael had been getting familiar with the menus, buttons and dials on his D3000, so he was quickly able to change to the settings I recommended for photographing landscapes (f/11, ISO 100), or for making a photograph with lots of bokeh (blurred background). We even had a chance to try and capture pelicans flying right past our heads, which proved no small challenge!
I am sure Michael will be able to put to use the skills we practiced today in Boston and return with some great shots of Bean Town. He showed himself to have a good memory for camera settings and an eagerness to master his D3000. I look forward to seeing his shots and to our next lesson when he returns.