Birthday Party wishes being made captured with candid photography in Tampa (c) 2009 Jason Collin Photography
Besides being a professional photographer, I also teach Mac & OS X lessons. Carlos is a longtime Mac student of mine who hired me to photograph his children's birthday party. It was a unique experience for me to have a client that I already knew well and to shoot on location at his home in Tampa. His family could not have been more friendly and his backyard could not have been a better outdoor location for photographing a birthday party.
Birthday Party activities can be potentially hazardous to your health! (c) 2009 Jason Collin Photography
Olivia was both not camera shy at all and also able to act totally naturally despite a long lens being pointed her way most of the party. Again, I could not ask for a better combination! She also was a very active birthday girl making for a wide variety of candid action shots. A large rubber ball and a helium balloon are great props!
All the birthday cupcakes a boy can eat! (c) 2009 Jason Collin Photography
The birthday boy was a bit more reserved, showing wisdom beyond his years in securing direct access to some scrumptious birthday cup cakes. I can testify to their deliciousness myself having eaten one.
Thanks to Carlos, Olivia, Christian and the rest of the family for making it a great afternoon of birthday photography!