Fine Art

Florida Pine Island Sepia Landscapes

A wetland shore of Pine Island, Florida, captured in sepia landscape.The day before Thanksgiving I was perusing the Silver Efex Pro official product site and discovered there are downloadable custom styles.  I was very stoked about this as Silver Efex Pro has me totally in love with black & white photography.  All photographs in this post are 7-bracket HDR images processed in Photomatix Pro 3, then adjusted in Color Efex Pro 3, before finally having the newly downloaded "sepia landscape" filter applied to them in Silver Efex Pro.  They were all made on Thanksgiving evening.

To me Thanksgiving "feels" like a sepia holiday, thus my choice of the "sepia landscape" filter for this and all the other images.


The owners of these houses are treated to amazing, daily sunsets. Sepia makes them to me seem more like the original Florida houses they imitate.


The mud was soft & deep in this wetland, only those with Goretex shoes (such as msyelf) and nimble paws (such as puppy Kiki) dared trod close to the shore, for a taste.


Haikyo exhibition photographs printing out!

Some of the 61 images printing out for my haikyo photography exhibition on Friday November 13, 2009 - taken with my iPhone

Things are starting to come together for my big haikyo exhibition this Friday, the 13th of November!  The photo above shows the huge printer being used by the great staff at NGI Printing to print out my 61 haikyo photographs on a huge sheet.  

A sheet of 8x10 images are coming out of the printer in the photo.  They will later be cut from the sheet, then mounted on black gatorboard, before the final step of applying a laminate cover.  I was really pleased with the print quality.  I can't wait to see the 24x36 images!

I hope you come out and attend the opening night of my exhibition:

HAIKYO - an exhibition on urban decay from Japan

  • 8pm on Friday November 13, 2009
  • RAW Vibes Art & Performance Space
  • 2109 Central Ave. North St. Petersburg, FL 33713

Photo Story: Asakusa Souvenir Stands

The best place to buy souvenirs in Tokyo is Asakusa

I would guess the number of foreign tourists and residents that visit Asakusa is near 100%.  One can find souvenirs and gifts covering the full range of Japanese culture from paper fans, to lacquerware, to katana, to real kimonos.  If you are a foreign resident of Tokyo, if you have any Japanese friends, one of the first places they will take you is Asakusa.  Likewise, if you are a longtime foreign resident of Tokyo and you have friends or family visit you from abroad, no doubt you will in turn take them to Asakusa.  This is how it worked for me.  

Free Desktop Calendar Wallpaper: Senjogahara Moor Autumn Scenery

Free desktop calendar wallpaper for October 2009, Senjogahara Moor Japan

Jason Collin Photography is offering the image "Senjogahara Moor in Autumn" as a free* desktop wallpaper calendar. If you use it as your desktop wallpaper, please let me know in the comments.






This image was made in Tochigi Prefecture in Japan.  It was an unexpected find on a trip to Nikko that was mostly for photographing shrines and temples.  I had never previously seen a moor in Japan before, nor such a wide open space not being used for farmland.



* All desktop wallpapers are provided without any technical support.  All images are Copyright Jason Collin Photography, All Rights Reserved.  Removing the watermark by digital alteration or cropping is prohibited.  You are granted a single use, non-exclusive, perpetual license to install this wallpaper on any personal computer personally owned by you. This license grants you the right to use the wallpaper for non-commercial/personal use only. You may not re-sell, distribute, print or otherwise publish the image without the express written consent of the Copyright owner: Jason Collin Photography

Give Florida Fine Art Photography as a souvenir

For you consideration as a Florida souvenir . . . Jason Collin Photography offers fine art photography available for purchase online as prints or digital downloads. Have the prints delivered right to your home and waiting for you when you return from your vacation. Metallic prints, watercolor prints and even photographs printed on canvas are available in sizes and styles that can fit any budget.