team photo

Industrial Water Engineering Team Group Photos at 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Industrial Water Engineering Team Group Photos at 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Balloon Fiesta Background for ABQ Team Photo

I met the IWE team early in the morning of one of the last days of the 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta to make team photos with the balloons as the background. As anyone who was in town the week of the 50th Balloon Fiesta knows, the weather was pretty terrible. So taking that into consideration, the fact that there was a mass ascension without rain was a win, even though skies were overcast. Despite that, I was still able to make the group photos IWE wanted and the balloons were not as far in the background as I expected either. With 25+ people in a group shot, it takes a bit of setting up in terms of lighting and then orientating everyone in the photo. Using a 3 light setup, which you can see in the BTS shot below, I was able to add some fill light and make the IWE team standout from the overcast skies. Thank you to Aime and everyone at IWE for getting up early, getting organized in front of the camera, and for choosing me as your photographer! Thanks also to Jessica for getting up early and assisting on this shoot making sure the 42” SoupBowl stayed in place.

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