Nikon D300 Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 @ f/8 ISO 200 13sec tripod mounted (knee high) with cable releaseI first saw the winter solstice moon as I was driving home from the dog park with Kiki. It looked very large in the sky rising over the tower of the Vinoy Golf & Country Club. I knew as a photographer this was something I should photograph. I quickly fed Kiki dinner (Taste of the Wild dry dog food) then got my Nikon D300 ready for long exposure shooting, i.e. attach the cable release and mount it on the tripod.
I was in time as there was still some light left in the fading twilight sky. Without this light my shot would not have turned out as colorful. The water of Smacks Bayou was very uncharacteristically like glass, but even the slight water movement can be seen in the shape of the moon's oblong reflection.
Did you photograph the winter solstice moon? If so, please share your links in the comments below.