Waterproof trail running shoes make great go anywhere do anything photography gear
All of my adolescent and adult life I have worn very high quality footwear. I believe in this strongly. When I see the flip-flop wearing trend of recent years I just cannot fathom it. Never in my life have I ever exposed my toes to trauma, or filth, in public. Footwear is also a key piece of photography gear. Yesterday I was out trekking in Brooker Creek Preserve. A sign said that some of the 2-mile trail may be flooded as they want to keep the natural trail grade. For the first half mile I did not even see any mud, but the middle mile was walking down a track of 2-5inches of water over a bed of what looked like green angel hair pasta. The trail was not such that one could just skirt around the water the whole time. Mostly the water was unavoidable.
If I had not been wearing my dominant Salomon XA Pro 3D Ultra GTX trail running shoes (they have a waterproof Goretex XCR membrane) I would have had to of either turn back and not get any shots that day, or walk a mile with soggy socks. I had no idea that the trail would be flooded, but I knew that hiking anytime in Florida's forests in summertime means that flooded paths are possible.
Not only do my Salomon's protect me from water, but their cushioning and support help me get through all day wedding jobs as well. They are one more piece of gear that I have absolute confidence in, which in turns contributes to my overall confidence in my ability to do photography. When I am doing photography work, I want to have no weak links in either my camera bag or on my person. Thus, to me, wearing the right footwear for a job is as important as using the right lens.
What is your footwear of choice for what kind of photography? I have worn Salomon's for the past seven years and they keep getting better with each new model.