A rugged example of the beauty of Big Sur you can hike to
Driving through Big Sur there are near infinite pullouts you can stop at and enjoy the views. However, not many of them allow you to go all the way down to the ocean itself. Partington Cove is a tiny inlet that you can access down a long gravel road enjoying the changing views of it as you descend. The cove itself is all large rocks, no beach at all. It is a rugged up-close view of the Pacific Ocean that was a combination of fog and ocean mist when I visited it. I found as cozy of a spot as there is there wedged between some boulders and listened to, looked at, and felt the incoming swells roll on shore.
Check out the map below for how to find Partington Cove in Big Sur, California. If you like these views, fine art prints for any budget and wall space size are available.
Getting close to the ocean in Partington Cove Big Sur California
Partington Cove not a swimming beach as it is all rocks and waves