Monster Jam ABQ 2021 big trucks in small venue
Jessica really likes monster trucks, in particular Grave Digger, and that means whenever Monster Jam comes to town, we go. This time I brought my telephoto lens with me to capture some of the big tire, big air action! They mixed up the event format for the better in my view, getting rid of the ATV race with a motorcycle stunt jumping demonstration. It was my first time seeing that kind of thing in person and those pro riders make soaring through the air for 5 seconds look so easy! Due to the very small size of the venue here in Albuquerque, it is far from the most impressive Monster Jam freestyle competition, but Grave Digger did pull off an impressive nollie (see above) and that really got the crowd electrified.
Returning to event photography in Albuquerque 2022
Now that things are opening up again, I look forward to returning to event photography in Albuquerque. Use the buttons below to contact me today to photograph your event, even if it does not have monster trucks in it!
Grave Digger at Monster Jam Albuquerque 2021

Monster Jam trucks in Albuquerque New Mexico 2021

Motorcycle Jumping at Monster Jam 2021 Albuquerque