No actual liquid nitrogen was in the tank for this shot unfortunately! - made with a Sony a7R IV and Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART lens
Commercial Product Photography in ABQ done the fun way!
Who would have thought photographing liquid nitrogen tanks for BioLife Solutions would have been so fun! This was due mostly to the circumstances of the shoot, which involved a lot of moving parts from the aforementioned tanks, to multiple lighting setups and lens changes, to dogs being carried around! Just check out the BTS shots below to see what really was in before me as I was trying to make these photographs. The final results show a very sterile and uncluttered photo. Kylie was a lot of fun to work with as she had to work herself being the hand model for the products. Jessica helped out by keeping Artie out the way in his new sling, and adjusting lighting so I could stay focused behind the camera. It was a total team effort to make these photos!