Amy users her Nikon D3100 during our 1-on-1 photography lesson in Lettuce Lake Park Tampa FloridaIt was decidedly drier for our 1-on-1 DSLR Photography Lesson this morning in Lettuce Lake Park. When I met Amy three weeks ago there was a deluge the entire time that kept us in the visitor's center. The sun was out in full force and so were we with 50mm lenses during this third of four photography lessons. We walked out onto the boardwalk intending to create shots with shallow DoF using the large aperture ability of a 50mm f/1.8 lens. I instructed Amy that we would not be shooting using the set the focus the recompose technique we had been with wide angle lenses. Since teh DoF is so shallow with a 50mm lens at even f/2.8, we must first frame the shot how we want then move the single focus point over onto the intended subject.
While out on the boarkwalk we were greeted by a number of turtles and even a snake . . . exciting!
We finished the lesson changing lenses and shooting at 200mm in low light practicing how to get the exposure right in such conditions. For our fourth lesson we may go indoors and work on editing and workflow and thus have no worries about weather.