Yours truly as the model for this off camera flash strobist portrait lesson on Sunset Beach Treasure Island FloridaOn a beautiful evening in Treasure Island, Florida I met Gail for an off camera flash portrait lesson on Sunset Beach. She had found out about my photography lessons doing some online searching and decided to come all the way over from Vero Beach on the other coast of Florida! We had two lessons. The first was on the beach at sunset time showing Gail my 2-strobe technique for making off camera flash portraits. I helped Gail setup her radio triggers and showed her how I position two speedlights for a variety of shots, including the walking one above. The second strobe is directly in front of me (not visible in photo).
A strobist portrait of my DSLR photography student Gail on Sunset Beach made during our evening lesson.Gail switched out and became the model as I showed her more shooting tips for using her Canon 5D Mark III. The second part of the lesson was showing Gail my editing workflow and helping her use her MacBook Pro much more efficiently too! It was very nice to meet Gail and I am flattered she came all the way from the other coast. She did of course stay a few nights in the area and made a trip out of it as well.