Carol with her new red Nikon D3100 during our 1-on-1 photography lesson in St. Petersburg FloridaOn a stormy Florida evening I met Carol for a 1-on-1 DSLR Photography Lesson along the waterfront of downtown St. Petersburg. She had very recently gotten a snazzy looking red Nikon D3100. Her reason for making the jump to the DSLR world was sparked by simply wanting to pursue photography as a hobby and be able to make great photographs. I think that is a pretty good reason!
As we walked around the waterfront under overcast skies I taught Carol my established process for making a well exposed and sharp shot in any given shooting situation, and how to use the meter and histogram together to determine how to get better results. Being a photographer is not a matter of getting the first shot perfect each time, it is getting that second or third attempt perfect. Once you can get the results you want in your images, and be able to repeat that process in different shooting conditions, then you know you have gotten the hang of photography.
A few rain drops did chase after us toward the end of the lesson, but not before we had a chance to practice a little landscape portrait shooting utilizing the pop-up flash. Even using the limited pop-up flash we were able to get pretty good results out along the waterfront. I look forward to seeing Carol use what she learned during our lesson as she photographs dragonboat racing!