Take a photo lesson with Jason & learn how to make this same shot! - Nikon D300 with Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D @ f/2 ISO 200 1/80thI have been having DSLR Photography Lessons using only 50mm lenses often lately. My Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens is one of my favorites to use as a "walking around" lens as its large aperture allows for easy creation of very shallow DoF, which itself of course results in bokeh. However, not all bokeh is created equal.
Photography tip: find small lights to use as big bokeh in the background of your shot
The lights in the above photograph were hanging around a tree in a restaurant's back courtyard eating area. I actually was standing in a very grimy alley (see the second shot here) to make this shot.
Using a large aperture of f/2 and focusing on the railing, the small lights seen on the left became the much prettier bokeh on the right. This also shows the importance of knowing how to creatively control your DoF and what object to set the focus on in order to produce the best results.
Try this photography tip this weekend and post a link to your shots in the comments below.