The birthday girl thinks of something to wish for - location: Tampa, Florida
This past Saturday's birthday party shoot was in a near ideal photographer's location: backyard with lots of shadows but still bright with lots of play space for the kids. My specialty is candid photography, and the kids at the party obliged that style greatly by mostly ignoring me and going about their play naturally. However, some of them loved to pose without any prompting, which will be the subject matter of a future post.
The birthday boy chooses a cupcake over birthday cake.
There was a lot of great food at this birthday party, and the hosts graciously let us eat anything we wanted to. I, myself, sampled one of the above cupcakes and the touch of lemon in them made for a very tasty cupcake.
No sibling jealousy despite having birthdays very close to each other's.
The brother and sister's birthdays were only separated by a few days allowing for a two-for-one birthday party scenario. As long as his sister continues to love him as much as she does now, I foresee no sibling squabbles about who may or may not have gotten a better birthday present. She was always hugging and kissing her brother, as seen above.
The birthday boy's grandfather siphons a beverage into his mouth.It's always great when there can be three generations (or more) at family gatherings, such as the case at this birthday party. I wonder what grandpa's childhood birthday parties were like? No doubt he doesn't have as many photographs from his childhood birthday parties as children will have of their birthday parties nowadays.
Blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
If you would like the candid moments from your child's birthday party captured by a friendly and professional photographer, then make your reservation today.