Professional Headshot for Businesswomen in Clearwater Florida on location

This morning I returned to a Clearwater business office to finish making headshots of the entire staff.  I photographed a majority of the staff in August, as seen here.  Having shot on this location before and having taken detailed notes, I was able to setup very quickly and produce a consistent business headshot like I had two months earlier.  The staff were again great to work with, which makes shooting a headshot much smoother.  

I used my same two strobe setup, a SB-600 @ 1/8th power with diffuser cap pointed at the portable background and a SB-800 @ 1/4 power in a 43" brolly to subject's left with camera settings of f/7.1 ISO 200 & 1/100th shutter speed on my Nikon D300 with Nikkor AF ED 80-20mm f/2.8D lens.

Professional business headshots are available to be made right in your office, home or in my St. Petersburg home studio.  The headshots are available for individuals or an entire business staff.